Skill Award Ranking

Hub and championship SKILL Award scores presented in the following table. Scoring categories are selectable from the last drop down list. Scores are reported by the local hub or championship. All years selectable in the drop down may not have results available.

{{ alert.Text }}
There are currently no scores available.
{{data.HubCount}} {{data.HubCount==1 ? 'hub' : 'hubs'}} with {{data.TeamCount}} total {{(data.TeamCount==1?'team':'teams')}} are reporting.
Rank Team School Name Hub Program
Division Score
{{ x.rank }} {{ appService.fxTeamNo(x.TeamNumber) }} {{ x.SchoolName }} {{ x.hub_name }} {{ x.CompetitionFormatName }} {{ x.Division }} {{ x.score | number:2 }}
If you have questions or concerns about the information shown, please contact your local hub representative.