Hub results are presented in the following tabs. Select a year and hub from the drop downs to view results. Results includes awards, head-to-head scores, BEST award scores and SKILL award scores. Results may not be available for all selectable seasons, hubs or tabs below. Data displayed is reported by the local hub or championship. Please contact the individual hub or championship if you have questions about the presented results.
Hub Season Award presented in the following list.
Award | Sponsor | Award Recipient |
{{award.AwardTitle}} |
{{award.AwardSponsor}} |
{{place.Place}}{{ appService.placer(place.Place) }}
Hub Head-To-Head scores presented in the following table. Rankings in this list are based on performance in the finals, semi-final, wildcard and seeding phases respectively. If no points are obtained in a particular phase, that phase is disreguarded for the ranking calculcation.
Rank | Team | School Name | Program Type |
Final Score |
SemiFinal Score |
Wildcard Score |
Seeding Score |
{{ x.Rank }} | {{ appService.fxTeamNo(x.teamNo) }} | {{ x.SchoolName }} | {{ x.CompetitionFormatName }} | {{ x.finalScore }} | {{ x.semifinalScore }} | {{ x.wildcardScore }} | {{ x.seedingScore }} |
Hub BEST Award scores presented in the following table.
Team | School Name | |
{{ appService.fxTeamNo(x.TeamNumber) }} | {{ x.SchoolName }} | {{ x[a.awardType] | number:2 }} |
Hub SKILL Award scores presented in the following table.
Team | School Name | |
{{ appService.fxTeamNo(x.TeamNumber) }} | {{ x.SchoolName }} | {{ x[a.skillType] | number: 1 }} |